Diabetes Foot Care

Nalam Diabetes Foot Care

NALAM's Diabetes Foot Care

India has the dubious distinction of being the world leader in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus. Amputation is a dreaded complication of diabetes. Every 30 seconds someone somewhere in the world is losing a limb because of diabetes and
85% of diabetic foot amputations are preventable with proper care & management

The center is manned by highly trained and motivated staff with meticulous attention to asepsis to prevent cross infections

With a desirous goal of creating an amputation free diabetic population, Nalam Hospital has a hi-tech Diabetes Foot Care Center which is equipped with:

Nalam Hospital Vascular Doppler

Vascular Doppler: To detect blood flow disorders in arteries and veins

Blood flow reduction is one of major reasons for diabetic ischemic ulcers as well as for delay in healing of wounds. So vascular doppler identifies patients at risk, so that the necessity for vascular procedures to help in wound healing can be decided

Nalam Hospital Biothesiometer

Biothesiometer: To identify loss of the protective vibration sense in limbs, which could be a prelude to foot ulcers

Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is one another important precursor of diabetic foot ulcers. Patients who are affected with the peripheral neuropathy are immune to all sensations, which means they cannot feel hot/cold, touch, pain in their affected limbs leading to repeated trauma and thereby ulcers. Vibration sense is the first sense to be affected in diabetic neuropathy and the Biothesiometer helps in identifying the loss of this sensation and thereby identifies at risk foot at the earliest.

Nalam Hospital Ansiscope

Ansiscope: To detect autonomic neuropathy

Autonomic neuropathy is an important precursor of rhythm abnormalities in heart, gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea, constipation as well as heel fissures and loss of sweat in foot. Ansiscope identifies the autonomic neuropathy at it's earliest phase and can help in prevention of these complications.

Nalam Hospital Podoscan


An instrument that helps in detecting abnormal pressure points in the foot beneath which ulcers can occur and thereby helps in designing pressure offloading footwear.

Nalam Hospital Monofilaments

Monofilaments: Helps in detecting loss of protective touch sensation in foot at the earliest

Touch sense is another sense crucial for prevention of diabetic foot ulcers. Monofilaments help in assessing the presence of touch sensation in different parts of the feet, so that the level of diabetic peripheral neuropathy can be assessed and necessary precautions can be initiated.

Nalam Hospital Pedinova


A modern equipment that provides safe and painless podiatric care for diabetic patients.